Week 46 / 2023

The New Circus group Circus By Me is back in Trondheim for another residency period at DansiT / Svartlamon in connection with their performance project Det får bære eller briste.

The purpose of the project is to tell the story of women’s physical work tasks and challenges in the 20th century through interviews with different generations of Nordic women. This is done with a performance played by six female partner acrobats and two folk musicians.

“We want to show that women’s physical strength has played a major role throughout history and at the same time convey the female artists’ personal and professional experiences. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the female body and what does it mean to be a woman and an acrobat?”

The performance will be played at Huseby School on Thursday 16th of November at 18:00. Their Facebook event is here.

About Circus By Me

Circus By Me is run by Rebecka Nord, an experienced performer in the circus world. Circus By Me offers new circus with paracrobatics as a speciality. They also hold courses in contact improvisation, modern dance, hip hop and theatre, and use culture as a tool to create a better world.

Seks lyshudede kvinner iført fargerike klær står oppstilt i en pyramide-formasjon (3-2-1) utendørs blant mørkt, halvlangt gress. Landskapet omkring dem består av en lys brun åker som går over i tåkelagte åser og trær. Over dem en gråblå, skyfri himmel. Kvinnen på toppen har på seg en mørk turkis kjole, og står i en fremadlent positur. Hun lener seg på en kvinne med burgunderrød kjole og en kvinne med sennepsgul kjole. De tre nederste kvinnene er barbeinte og står i en slags fremadlent knebøy. Kvinnen til venstre har på seg sennepsgul selebukse og langermet genser. Kvinnen i midten har på seg brun genser og mørk turkis bukse. Kvinnen til høyre har på seg mørk turkis bluse og burgunderrød bukse.

The performance will be on Huseby skole Thursday 16th of November, 18:00. See the Facebook event here.