DansiT is open for professional dancers with connections to Trondheim and Mid-Norway, who meet the same membership criteria as NoDa.

The annual membership fee is 500 NOK.

Membership Criteria

  • Three years of college education or equivalent in dance.
  • Two years of college education or equivalent in dance and one year of professional experience as a dancer.
  • One year of college education or equivalent in dance and two years of professional experience as a dancer.
  • Three years of professional experience as a dancer.


  • You become part of DansiT’s network and receive exclusive information via their email list regarding job opportunities, application deadlines, auditions, courses, and other important information for professional dancers.
  • You will receive a reduced price for courses, seminars, and workshops organized by DansiT.
  • You have free access to the dance studio for production of dance performances. DansiT’s members are prioritized if several funded projects want to use the studio at the same time.
  • You also have the opportunity to use the studio for preparation, exploration, and other work.
  • You have access to producer assistance and artistic support (choreographic and dramaturgical) from DansiT’s administration as needed.
  • As a member of DansiT, you have voting rights at the annual meeting.
  • You support DansiT’s work in organizing PRODA and have the opportunity to influence the local PRODA offering.
  • Throughout the year, input and suggestions from DansiT’s members are welcome.
  • You are part of supporting and shaping DansiT’s holistic work for the dance field and are part of a social and supportive network with other dance artists in the region.

Apply for membership

Use the form (In Norwegian) to apply for membership. Documentation of education and professional activities (CV) can be uploaded in the form.

If you have any questions contact Tone Tronstad at tone@dansit.no.

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