
In the world of pandemy, global warming, wars, migrations, socio-economic falls, and political fragilities staying connected, and sustaining coherence, and balance seem troubled. The gaps, lacks, segregations, isolations, uneven-ness and inequities cause disruptions and confusions and necessitates alternative modes of co-existence. In this very brief workshop, I invite us to situate ourselves in between the possibility and impossibility of conversing while being confused.  

Om Maryam Bagheri Nesami

As a displaced movement artist, researcher and pedagogue, based in Tamaki Makaurau, known as Auckland (NZ), Maryam’s practice of dance writing and writing about dance are choreo-political negotiations around concepts such as homing, gravity, citizenship, and belonging. She works with choreography as an expanded field to transposition across different disciplines and practices. Coming from a choreophobic country, where dancing is a crime, Maryam practices choreography to sustainably spatialize dance as well as feminine/queer embodiment.