Friday 22. September 2017 - kl.12:00

“Ghost Dancer”: En praktisk workshop om lyd i scenekunsten

Lyd er “spøkelses-danseren” i en forestilling, hjemsøker alt, skyggelegger hver gest. Det er også en politisk markør. Det er det vennlige presset mot opphøyede fysiske tilstander. Det er også en inngangsport til visuell kunst og film i en forestilling.

I denne workshopen er lyden betraktet i sin materialitet, som en tekstur, som en dansende kropp og ikke som et enkelt ornament for å ramme dansen. Det er en enkel politisk og poetisk posisjon som støtter ideen om at lydutøvelsen peker på det usynlige og skjøre forholdet mellom kropper og andre (im)materialiteter, forurenset av bilder, skisser av koreografi, videoer, tekster, personer.

Mitt forslag er å dykke ned i alt dette på samme tid. Spille “musikk”, tenke på hvordan du bruker lyd i en forestilling, bygge en kollektiv lydinstallasjon, og lære å lytte. Gjenopprette dans og lyd som brennende fysiske begjær. Og så undergrave og komplisere den ideen.

Dette er ikke et teknisk verksted! Du trenger ikke å være en musiker eller en lydkunstner for å komme. I stedet er denne workshopen adressert til skapere og koreografer i produksjon, hybrid-kunstnere som ønsker å utforske og stille spørsmål om lydens rolle i scenekunst – dette elementet som er mellom kroppen, objektet og den poetiske/politiske talen.

Priser og påmelding

Åpent for deltakere med erfaring i dans/teater/improvisasjon/performance. Meld deg på ved å sende en epost til ingeborg(at) med en kort beskrivelse av din erfaring med bevegelse og scenekunst.

Standard: 100 kr / gratis (DansiT-medlemmer)
Forestilling & workshop: Vis oss billetten din til «A song to…» på Bastard og betal kun 50 kr pr. workshop!
3 for 2: Delta på alle tre BASTARD SPESIAL!-workshopene og betal kun 200 kr!

BIO – Jassem Hindi

Jassem Hindi is Palestinian/French, was born in Saudi Arabia and studied philosophy at the Sorbonne, Paris. Based in Berlin he is working in the fields of sound, performance and temporary objects/installations. His favourite tools are nervousness and necessity, using broken objects, broken bodies and broken sounds as thinking companions. His practice is placed between poetry and politics. He uses science/fiction and philosophical texts in order to provide hospitality to the weird and playfulness/anger with the future. His work resonates with Beckett’s Cascando triad: “of knowing, not knowing, pretending”

In recent years he has been involved in a series of collectives and collective performances focusing on politically oriented work. In 2016 he has participated in the writing, performing and sound design of collaborative/shared authorship pieces such as future friend/ships, “Turbulence” and “Zombies”. Jassem recently collaborated with Keith Hennessy, Two Women Machine, Angela Schubot, Ruairi Donovan, Keyon Gaskin, Jeremy Wade, Kat Valastur, and Mia Habib. He has been supported and has shown his work at, among other institutions, Kampnagel, Black Box Oslo, Counterpulse, American Realness, and HAU.


Jassem Hindi – “Ghost Dancer”: A practical workshop about sound in performance

Sound is the ghost dancer of a performance, haunting everything, shadowing every gesture. It is a political marker. It is the friendly push towards high physical states. It is also a gateway to visual art and cinema in performance.

In this workshop, sound is considered in its materiality, as a texture, as a dancing body and not as a simple ornament to frame dance. It is a simple political and poetical position which supports the idea that the practice of sound points at the invisible and tenuous relation between bodies and other (im)materialities, contaminated by images, sketches of choreography, videos, texts, persons.

My proposal is to dive into all of this at the same time. Play “music” and think about how to use sound in a performance, build a collective sound installation and learn how to listen. Reclaim dance and sound as burning physical desires. And then subvert and complicate that idea.

This is not a technical workshop! You don’t need to be a musician or a sound maker to come. Rather, this workshop is addressed to makers and choreographers in the making, hybrid art makers who want to explore and question the place of sound in performance – this thing that is between the body, the object and the poetical/political speech.

The workshop is open to people with experience in dance/acting/improvisation/performance. Sign up by sending an email to ingeborg(at), with a short description of your background in movement and the performing arts.

Normal: 100 kr / free (DansiT-members)
Performance & Workshop: Show us your ticket for «A song to…» at Bastard and pay only 50 kr!
3 for 2: Take part in all three BASTARD SPESIAL!-workshops and pay only 200 kr!