Residens uke 17 / 2024

Denne uka er Marta Kosieradzka i residens med sin solodansforestilling Home grown allure. Prosjektet er inspirert av somatiske opplevelser i dans, og den polske nobelprisvinnende forfatteren Olga Tokarczuks idé om en fire-persons (panoptisk) forteller. Den helt spesielle visjonen av verden som presenteres i bøkene hennes, der verden er komplisert og belager seg på en flerlagsstruktur der virkelighet, drøm, historie, myte, natur og kultur krysser hverandre og blander seg sammen, er omsatt til forestillingens bevegelsesspråk, visualitet og teatralske uttrykk. Metaforen om at «kroppen er som et hus» , bestående av mange rom, korridorer og dører som rommer spor av minner og drømmer, har vært en inspirasjon for dette verket og en måte å tenke på danserens kropp. Home grown allure er en dagbok som forteller om en lang reise mellom det materielle og immaterielle, bilder og sensasjoner på vei mot et sted – et hjem.

Foto: Yaniv Cohen, 2023.

Marta inviterer til en åpen studiovisning på DansiT / Svartlamon fredag 26. april klokka 14:30. Varighet: Cirka 60 minutter. Gi gjerne beskjed til produsent Betty på telefon: 92435225 eller epost: om du kommer.


Dans, koreografi, tegninger: Marta Kosieradzka

Scenografi, kostyme: Zofia Jakubiec

Musikk: Adriano Fontana

Kunstneriske råd: Cecilie Lindeman Steen, Bojana Cvejic, Janne Camilla Lyster, Torun Robstad

Fragmenter fra boken » House of Day, House of Night ‘ av Olga Tokarczuk i oversettelsen av Antonia Lloyd-Jones lest av Lou Ditaranto

Om kunstnerne

Marta Kosieradzka: Dance and visual artist originally from Warsaw, Poland living in Oslo. She graduated from European Academy of Arts in Warsaw and  from Artesis Royal Conservatory in Antwerp, dance department. Since many years she is working as a freelance dancer, choreographer, and teacher. After her graduation she started her professional career with a production ‘’I can ride a horse whilst juggling, so marry me’’ choreographed by Jan Martens and then for several years she has worked with many choreographers in Belgium as well as artists from other disciplines: fashion, film, music, theatre. After returning to her home country, she has been working with several local choreographers and for five years she has been associated with Zawirowania Dance Theatre in Warsaw touring with pieces from their repertoire and conducing educational programs for young dancers. She has also worked as a contemporary dance teacher for professional ballet students at National Ballet School in Warsaw. Her interest in combining visual arts and dance has led her to working in a field of dance film, she is a co-author of several dance films and has been actively participating in international screen dance scene. She has also choreographed solo works that gained recognition on many international dance festivals and competitions. In the season 2019/2020 she was a resident artist at Kelim Choreography Center in Tel Aviv, Israel. She recently graduated from MA in Dance program at Oslo National Academy of Arts and works as a freelancer dancer in Norway and abroad.

Zofia Jakubiec: Zofia Jakubiec is a dancer clothing and costume designer with a master’s degree in design from the Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts, a master’s degree in art from the University of Fine Arts in Poznan, Poland and dance experience from the Polish Dance Theatre, KarlsenPratt and various independent projects both in Poland and Norway. Her clothing designs have been used among others by the artist Imogen Heap (2018) and Totemo (2019). Zofia has been a costume designer for many performances in Norway, including «KinShips» by Øy Teatret (2021) and “Syndyastikon Zoon” by Marianne Haugli and Panta Rei Danseteater (2022). As a costume designer, she received a nomination for the Hedda prize in 2022 together with scenographers Baum&Leahy and Anikke Flo for best scenography and costume design for «KinShips». She represented Norway at Innovative Costume of The 21st Century: The Next Generation international group exhibition in Moscow (2019) and has participated in Costume Agency Research Workshops led by Christina Lindgren and Sodja Lotker at KHiO (2021).

With her background as a dancer and young costume designer, Zofia Jakubiec explores new definitions of costume, and what it can be in relation to space, choreography and the body. She is interested in the relationship between movement and materiality in space and different ways of looking at choreography in relation to costume design.


Adriano Fontana: Instrumentalist and composer born in Genoa (Italy), he started to study classical guitar when he was 7 years old. He obtained a bachelor in jazz guitar at the Conservatory “Niccolò Paganini” of Genoa. Alongside playing concerts and pedagogic activity he composes musics for movies, theater, contemporary dance , readings.