Performer and choreographer Nela Hustak Kornetová confronts our human fascination for depicted acts of violence in her new project Forced Beauty.
At the same time she asks why this do appeal to us, as the Forced Beauty project aims to create an atmospheric multimedia dance performance inspired by the display of violence in our daily life. With the body in focus, Kornetová and her company will look for movement material and primal voice expression corresponding with the theme while experimenting with live „special effects“, sound, light and video. The ambition is to research the impact of mirror neurons in the human brain on perception of the audience and so deal with their empathy.
Further on, the artists will develop their method in which the physical expression and vocal presence of performers, spatial awareness, stage design, sound, light, video and visual effects support each other equally – with the focus on simplicity as an important key word.
Forced Beauty is supported by Norsk Kulturråd.
Nela H. Kornetová (CZ) is an independent performer, choreographer and theatre maker based in Norway. She focuses on themes and emotions that audience can relate to directly. Her aim is to create atmospheric and sensual performances that explore the borderlines of different art forms. After graduation at JAMU (CZ, 2010) and Norwegian Theatre Academy (NOR, 2013), she was DanceWEB 2014 scholarship holder (Impulstanz, Vienna). As a member of the group T.I.T.S. she created the black box specific dance performance “Trumpets in the Sky”, which successfully toured Norway, Denmark, Lithuania and the Czech Republic, and in March 2015 they premiered their multimedia performance “My own private picture”. Her own piece “Ba Zen/Pool” (2010) and her performance in “The Amnesic Days of the Polar Nights” (2009) by Ioana Mona Popovici was very well received in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina.