20 min
tirsdag 17. august 2021 - kl.07:00
onsdag 18. august 2021 - kl.07:00

Water reflection. What do I see?
Is it me?
How do we relate to each other?
Can we find a common rhythm?
Still me?
Still… Stillness.

I How to read water #3 presenterer dansekunstner Anna Thu Schmidt og vokalist Thea Ellingsen Grant  en rekke en-til-en-forestillinger utendørs i nærheten av Rotvollfjæra. De tidlige morgentimene ute i naturen setter rammene for møtet mellom tilhører og musiker, danser og tilskuer. Sittende overfor hverandre, på to meters avstand, smelter kroppene inn i landskapet og danner en felles virkelighet og et intimt rom. Forestillingen starter med en kort spasertur utendørs før du møter utøveren som ønsker deg velkommen i en improvisert solo på 15 minutter.

Oppmøte utenfor Rotvoll Kunstnerkollektiv, Arkitekt Ebbells veg 22

NB: Forestillingen er utendørs. Ta med klær etter været, og gjerne et sitteunderlag om du har!

Kjøp billett:

NB: Kun forhåndssalg!

Anna Thu Schmidt:
Billett tirsdag 17.08 kl 07:00
Billett tirsdag 17.08 kl 07.30
Thea Ellingsen Grant:
Billett tirsdag 17.08 kl 08:00
Billett tirsdag 17.08 kl 08:30
Thea Ellingsen Grant:
Billett onsdag 18.08 kl 07:00
Billett onsdag 18.08 kl 07:30
Anna Thu Schmidt:
Billett onsdag 18.08 kl 08:00
Billett onsdag 18.08 kl 08:30

How to read water #3 presenteres også som kveldsforestilling:
tirsdag 17. og onsdag 18. august kl. 19.


Dans: Anna Thu Schmidt
Vokal: Thea Ellingsen Grant

Co-produsert av: DansiT
Støttet av: Trondheim kommune


In How to read water #3 dance artist Anna Thu Schmidt and vocalist Thea Ellingsen Grant present a series of one-on-one performances outdoors near Rotvollfjæra. This natural environment in the early morning hours forms the setting for the encounter between listener and musician or dancer and viewer. Sitting opposite each other at a distance of two meters, bodies blend into the landscape and form a reality together in a shared space. The performance starts with a short walk to the outdoor location where the performer welcomes you for an improvised solo of 15 minutes.

Meeting point: outside Rotvoll Kunstnerkollektiv, Arkitekt Ebbells veg 22

Dance: Anna Thu Schmidt
Vocals: Thea Ellingsen Grant

Co-produced by: DansiT
Supported by: Trondheim Kommune

About the artists

Anna Thu Schmidt is a dance artist with a focus on dance improvisation, interdisciplinary projects, site-specific work, and integrated dance. Since 2017 Anna is based in Trondheim after living and working in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Germany. Her work is inspired by the cultures and natural environments she lives in and the connection and communications between humans. She is part of the dance company Danselaboratoriet and leads Samtidsdans for voksne. By hosting ImproJAM/ImproLAB/ImproSTUNT she offers an open, free, and safe space for movement and sound exploration. Anna holds B.A. in Dance in Education (ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem/Netherlands) and M.A. in Dance Studies (NTNU Trondheim/ Norway).

Thea Ellingsen Grant is a vocalist, composer, songwriter, and producer. She studied at the Jazz Academy in Trondheim and is now involved in several different projects and bands: JUNO, Caramel 11, j00, and Thea Grant – solo. From an early age, she was determined to pursue the arts, a natural choice after growing up in a household surrounded by paintings and music. Rock, pop, and classical music were her biggest influences as a kid, gradually being introduced to the world of jazz and improvisational music when she attended high school. With one album, several released singles, and lots of live performance experience she continues to develop her sound alongside her creative partners in her own country and abroad.