1,5 timer
mandag 23. januar 2017 - kl.09:30

Carmen Moreira uses choreology to structure classes and create choreography.

Choreology is the study of dance notation, or the aesthetic and scientific study of all forms of human movement by movement notation. However, Moreira is less interested in the actual writing-down of dance movements, and more focused in the precision of labeling actions, dynamics, forces, relationships etc., to create an unparalleled exactness in choreography and studio rhetoric between the dancers and choreographer. She believes this process will increase public engagement because of the subsequent increased clarity of the themes and stories of the dance. Moreira suspects this increase in thematic clarity to be vital to attracting and then maintaining new audiences to the genre.

About Carmen Moreira

Carmen Moreira is a Portuguese-Canadian choreographer based in England and Canada. She is 30 years old and working on a new piece called Coroner – looking to the end, which combines contemporary dance and projection. Moreira uses choreology to create her work.

Moreira went to School of Winnipeg Contemporary Dancers, School of Toronto Dance Theatre and she has a bachelor degree from London Contemporary Dance School. In addition, she went to Ashtanga Yoga School in 2007 and she has a bachelor in English from Mount Allison University.