Rosendal Teater
2 timer
Monday 5. September 2022 - kl.20:00

Velkommen til ImproJam på Rosendal Teater 5. september kl. 20-22. Her kan du utforske bevegelser både alene og i møte med andre. Danse-erfaring er ikke nødvendig!

I denne to timers workshopen skal vi fylle Rosendal Teater med musikk og dans gjennom improvisasjon!

Workshopen starter med oppvarming, individuelt og med en partner. Det blir en introduksjon til kontaktimprovisasjon. Deretter blir det en åpen jam hvor vi gjennom en leken tilnærming til dans- og musikkimprovisasjon kobler oss til kroppen vår og elementene som er til stede. Her kan du utforske bevegelser både alene og i møte med andre.

ImproJam ledes på engelsk av dansekunstner Anna Thu Schmidt i samarbeid med musiker Andrea Blåsmo.

For mer informasjon se ImproDans Trondheim på Facebook eller send en epost til

Arrangementet er gratis og er et samarbeid mellom Trondheim Pride, DansiT, Rosendal Teater og Trondheim Kommune.


In this two-hour workshop, we fill Rosendal Teater with music and dance and explore the space through improvisation. We start with a collective warming-up, individually and with a partner, and an introduction to contact improvisation before going into the open Jam. Through a playful approach to dance and music improvisation, we connect to our own bodies, each other and all the elements present in the space. Here you can explore movements both alone and in meeting with others. Dance experience is not required!

The ImproJam is lead in English by dance artist Anna Thu Schmidt in collaboration with musician Andrea Blåsmo.
It is a FREE event supported by Trondheim Pride, DansiT, Rosendal Teater and Trondheim Kommune.
ImproDans Trondheim wants to offer an open, free, and safe space for movement and sound exploration.

More info on the facebook page: ImproDans Trondheim
Info via:


About the artists

Anna Thu Schmidt (born 1989 in Germany) is a dance artist with a focus on dance improvisation, interdisciplinary projects, site-specific work and integrated dance. Her work is inspired by the cultures and natural environments she lives in and the connection and communication between humans. Themes as inclusion and accessibility are central in her artistic work. Her interest in the relation of dance to other arts leads to international collaborations and research on the intertwinement of dance and installation art. Anna is part of the integrated dance company Danselaboratoriet, leader of ImproDans Trondheim and Samtidsdans for voksne Trondheim and started up PRAXIS Trondheim. One of her main projects is ‘How to read water’.

Andrea Blåsmo (cello) is specialized in performing music from the baroque and classical era. She is active in several chamber groups and is a member of Orkester Nord, a Trondheim based orchestra which has received international attention for their recordings. Andrea’s playing is inspired by historical performance practices from the 18th century, with a touch of modern influence.