2 hours
lørdag 15. september 2018 - kl.10:00

Ludvig Daae will give a dance workshop based on his work with the performance Dance To Dance To.

About the workshop: » During the working process for this piece I came up with a simple and efficient method to define dance, and to create new dance material. In Dance To Dance To the starting point is 1970s disco, but I realized that this method can be applied to different genres of dance. In this workshop the participants will learn some of the material from the performance, and get an opportunity to create their own material by following the method we have created.

The workshop aims to give the participants some new tools for creating dance, and the goal is that we keep it uncomplicated, fun, think fast, don’t get stuck in self-judgement, and that we can just be creative together.

It is good if you have danced some before, but you don’t need to be a professional to participate.

Ludvig Daae is showing the piece Dance To Dance To under Bastard!

About Ludvig Daae

Ludvig Daae is a Norwegian dancer and choreographer, educated at  the Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm and P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels.

December 2017 Ludvig choreographed the piece Donna Winter for Cullbergbaletten’s appearance at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm City Hall. He is currently touring his latest piece Dance To Dance To and creating the new piece High Onlife,  which is a part of his long term project Daae/Nordahl, a collaboration between himself and film maker Joanna Nordahl, as well as dancing in several shows by other choreographers.

When creating his own work, Ludvig always has an interest in entertainment and popular culture. He feels that dance art can benefit from having a theoretical platform to rest on and develop from, without the performance being weighted by theoretical language.

Prices and registration


Standard: 100 kr / free (DansiT-members)

Performance & Workshop: Show us your ticket to the Bastard performance of the artist who is giving the class, and enter the workshop for just 50kr. (not applicable on the Tuesday class).

5 for the price of 3: Participate on all of the BASTARD SPESIAL! workshops for just 300 kr!

Sign up by sending an email to ingeborg(at) with a short description of your experience with performing arts.